Death Cab for Cutie

Winning on the radio is always a nice surprise on your drive home. Winning tickets to one of your favorite childhood bands is even better. Concerts have been a love hate relationship lately and I have been trying to figure out why. This concert is a good reflection on why.
The pros to this concert were determined before:

  • Free
  • Death Cab for Cutie
  • Early show
  • Goodish Venue 
  • Good show friend company
  • Goodish opener
The cons arrived during the concert:
  • Loud/drunk crowd
    • This is weird. Aren't we at a Death Cab concert?
  • Expensive drinks
    • I should stop drinking at concerts.
  • Opener was loud and wild
    • This is weird. Aren't we at a Death Cab concert?
  • Leaving early
Me and my friend ended up leaving after a few songs during the concert. The fact that is was free was able to determine that we were fine to leave halfway through. The set was great and the band put on an amazing show. It was the self realization of what is my purpose of going to the shows if that cons are starting to outweigh the pros. I am hoping through art and the gods of rock and roll, music will save my soul once again. 


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